Nap Bags
Proud to be a USA factory.
Happi-Nappi™ is a USA factory. All of our products are made in Memphis, TN.

Happi-Nappi™ is thrilled to tell you our products hold up for several years due to our quality materials and sewing! Being USA MADE is all you need to know. We are not China Made.
See it for yourself!
Why is the Nap Bag so great?
They are an excellent quality and long-lasting product for your daycare, preschool and home. These bags will make it easy for students to fall asleep soundly, easily, and quickly. As we know, taking a nap or having a rest period helps a child recuperate for the rest of the day. Whether your daycare or preschool uses cots or mats, our bags will fit perfectly on either of them. Below, you will learn more about our nap bags and why they’re a great choice for you.
Happi-Nappi™ Nap Bags are more convenient than a bulky nap roll-up. Our nap bag becomes your child's blankie to be used at home, on the couch, in the car when traveling, with a folding chair used for a sports event etc.
One side is open 3/4 of the way down for easy opening. When you turn it sideways, you can stick your feet in it. This makes a wraparound blanket.
The inside is made of soft quilted fabric just like soft pajamas.
Provides the top and bottom covers in one piece to meet several state standards.

Machine washable and dryable. Holds up extremely well, when washed every week for years!!
Folds neatly into a cubby hole, two gallon zip lock bag or backpack. Size is like a folded beach towel.

Approximate Size:
28" x 50"
Oversize name tag used for easy identification, for both parents and child care centers.

Great for child cares, pre-schools, Mother's Day Out Programs and at home.
The children become so attached to our Nap Bags, they even take them to college!
Anita's Words about her sons
Happi Nappi product.
“My son Colton attended Little Bears Preschool in Bartlett, TN, and Mrs. Cindy had an order form one day. I thought it was a very neat idea. He was then 4 years old. Now he is 9 and still covers up with his Happi-Nappi™. I have washed this Nappi millions of times! And it still stands up! He loves it! I myself, have rested on the couch and covered up my legs with it. I never thought of writing since we have since moved to Kansas City. My one and only niece just started kindergarten in MS. and my sister is a teacher there as well. My niece Shelby had her first day of school today and stated that she was cold when she was at rest. I immediately informed my sister of the Happi-Nappi™ and we both went online and saw your web site. She is going to go to her school where she teaches and my niece now attends and tell them of the website! Thanks again for such a wonderful idea!!”
The Reviews Don't Lie
Fabric Patterns

Discount Pricing is Available For Existing and New Customers Ordering Quantity Items. You must call or email us for the discounted prices.
If you are a Tax-Exempt Agency, School, Head Start,
Child Care or Preschool, call us to order or get an estimate.
We take purchase orders.
Toll Free: (877) 763 – 0701
Local Memphis: 901-794-0220
Local Memphis Orders Can Be Picked-Up To Save On Shipping.